Growing up my mom had a little dvd collection; which I would sneak and watch when she wasn’t there cause some of them dvds were too grown for me and the ones that weren’t, she didn’t want me scratching up. I’d be watching movies from Baby Boy, Brown Sugar, Waiting to Exhale, catch me if you can, to Shrek. This planted a seed for my appreciation of a wide range of film. But it wasn’t until my brother gave me his old Macbook, that I really became in love with film and tv. I’d be scouring up and down the internet for movies. Finding one good movie and then googling the characters/actors to find another. I then came across Hulu, (this was during their free era) roaming their movies and shows, especially the international ones. This is when I found out about British comedies aka the best crude humor, I also founs some French and Spanish films…

Then one day, while roaming through Hulu I discovered a powerful film called The Crucible—a heartbreaking Korean movie that’s significant in Korea and made a cultural impact. Although the film tackled a tragic story, it sparked a journey that led to my immense love for Korean dramas. I googled the main lead actor and then I was immersed into the world of k dramas. I loved these dramas so much that every week or other week I would find a new series for me and my little sister to watch. And slowly I started to watch other asian dramas, mainly Thai, Japanese and Chinese.

Watching these dramas wasn’t just a hobby for me—it was also something I bonded over with my little sister. As an older sister, I introduced her to K-dramas, and together we’d laugh, cry, and share thoughts about the characters and plot twists. Those moments were some of the inspiration that lead me to start Unnie and Her Dramas. I loved recapping and recommending dramas for her to watch. Dramas that she would never watch on her own lol. The term ‘Unnie’ is a Korean word for an older sister or an older female friend, and it felt like the perfect representation of the connection I have with my sister, as well as the perspective I bring to the world of dramas. So think of it as “big sis and her dramas”, cause I’m a big sis the lives for dramas… not actual drama. The ones you watch.

With this blog, I plan to share my thoughts whether through think pieces, reviews, recaps, essays on some of my favorite medias (mainly film and tv/series) and things surrounding it directly or indirectly. Expect to see a variety of dramas from Korean, Black cinema (especially these two, I watch a lot of it), and then a mix of other international films and shows. hope to share my love for these genres and connect with others who share similar tastes and maybe thoughts?

How it all started